Book Description We are the only beings on earth who intrinsically wonder about our own end. But is there a way to elicit more elegant, gentle questions? Maybe something finer can be imparted, a way to bring the inevitable grief this life holds, into the love it really is. In this lyrical essay, poetry and the beauty of dreams mingle with remembrance. Journey from a child’s view of life’s end to a perspective in time much closer to that end, and something as familiar as an old friend comes into focus, greets us, and teaches us its ways. I thought I’d finished this book. Really did. Then the discomfort set-in. There was a sense that I’d called it too early, that perhaps some things had been left unwritten. Fair enough, I thought. I’ll just write some more. Sometimes the muse doesn’t play by our rules. Only problem was I had made a commitment. The publisher had already produced a beautiful book cover along with a great interior design. Things were moving along to a publication date at the end of August, 2022 as I had previously posted. I was beginning to lose sleep because my word matters to me. But so does “the work.” Hence, the tension.
Fortunately, I have a publisher who truly gets it. The book is expanding (though remains true to its original description) and will be along in Spring, 2023. Promise. I’ll keep you posted. My relationship with Homebound Publications is such that I am a member of a writing community. Please click here to peruse the fiction, non-fiction, and poetry offerings by my fellow authors. It’s well worth the browse. Comments are closed.